Over the years, Mopris Foundation has always given out four (4) University scholarship awards to Okuku sons and daughters.
Interest Free LoanInterest Free Loan
We also have a non-interest revolving loan for women in our host community, however, MF is already selling in the posterity market.
We have a Welfare Scheme currently running for the sick, aged, widows and the less privileged in our host community, Okuku.
Mopris Foundation (MF) is a non Governmental & non Political Organisation whose primal focus is on Human and Community Development.
Our AchievementsOur Achievements
• Mopris Foundation’s scholarship has produced over sixteen (16) University graduates in Okuku and beyond. • Trained over twenty-six (26) Artisans in different skills. • Up-schemed a welfare platform for
Youth EmpowermentYouth Empowerment
Under the Youth Empowerment, Mopris foundation believes that an idle mind can actually become the devil’s workstation; hence, she created the Skill-acquisition and Entrepreneurship department wherein youths whose vision is
Mentorship And DiscipleshipMentorship And Discipleship
Mopris Foundation does not just graduate her students (both graduate & non-graduate levels) and push them into the macro-world without keeping a track of their success as they progress; rather,